IKN (Ingenieurbüro-Kühlerbau-Neustadt) GmbH is a privately owned, medium-size company, specializing in the design and manufacturing of clinker coolers and pyro lines for cement production. The company, headquartered in Neustadt, Germany, was founded by Dipl.-Ing. Karl von Wedel in 1982.
With our local offices in the Czech Republic, Brazil, USA and India, we employ 170 people worldwide. During our 40 years of activity, we have developed from being a cooler specialist to becoming a full range supplier for complete pyro lines with more than 800 references worldwide.
We are open to new ideas and opportunities so feel free to contact us
IKN – Engineering the Future

1982 Founding of Ingenierbüro Kühlerbau Neustadt
Founding of IKN GmbH Ingenieurbüro-Kühlerbau-Neustadt by Dipl.-Ing. Karl von Wedel
2022 Pyro Project in Germany
Start-up of a new 3.000 tpd pyro line at Märker Cement plant in Harburg, Germany, designed by IKN.
IKN is celebrating 40 years anniversary.
2020 CO2 capturing project
IKN takes part in an innovative project LEILAC2 which is focused on separating and capturing CO2 from the cement production process.
IKN introduces new design of the cooler inlet – KIDS4.0.
2018 Largest turnkey pyro project
Largest ever turnkey project by IKN: Upgrading of 4.000 tpd Burglengenfeld plant in Germany including pyro line, raw mills and kiln line dedusting system.
2016 Fourth world largest cooler
Fourth IKN Pendulum Cooler® with more than 13.500 t/d put into operation at Holcim plant in Ste. Genevieve, USA.
2015 New IKN office building
IKN employees move to the new large and modern IKN office building.
2014 Fire Bed Combustor (FBC)
IKN develops Fire Bed Combustor (FBC) – a reactor for burning alternative fuels.
2013 Dynamic Linear Drive (DLD)
IKN re-introduces the electrical drive into cooler technology. New design of DLD drive is easy to install, operate and maintain, and help to eliminate the complexity of hydraulic units.
First recirculating IKN cooler starts production in India.
2011 New grate plate design
IKN develops the new Coanda Wing® – new patented grate plate technology.
2010 3D design
IKN implements 3D engineering design and forms the IKN Pyro department to manage kiln line projects development.
2009 World largest coolers
IKN again strengthens its position by supplying the world’s largest clinker coolers for Conch Cement – each of the three Pendulum Coolers® is designed to handle 13,000 t/d of clinker production.
IKN records over 500 installations of KIDS® and IKN Pendulum Coolers® in 36 countries.
2003 First LPS
Karl von Wedel transfers the management to Justus von Wedel and Klaas Windmöller.
IKN develops the Linear Pendulum Suspension (LPS®) for more precision and simplified installation inside the cooler housing.
2002 Acquisition of PSP Engineering
Acquisition of PSP Engineering a. s. in Prerov, Czech Republic. IKN combines its clinker cooler specialisation with the pyro activities of the traditional kiln supplier.
2001 New technical center
IKN opens a new technical center for training and testing as well as for assembly and quality control of critical components.
1989 First cooler
IKN revolutionizes the industry by installing the first IKN Pendulum Cooler® with pendulum suspension at Adelaide Brighton Cement, Australia.
1983 First KIDS®
Founding of IKN GmbH Ingenieurbüro-Kühlerbau-Neustadt by Dipl.-Ing. Karl von Wedel
1982 Founding of Ingenierbüro Kühlerbau Neustadt
Founding of IKN GmbH Ingenieurbüro-Kühlerbau-Neustadt by Dipl.-Ing. Karl von Wedel
2022 Pyro Project in Germany
Start-up of a new 3.000 tpd pyro line at Märker Cement plant in Harburg, Germany, designed by IKN.
IKN is celebrating 40 years anniversary.
2020 CO2 capturing project
IKN takes part in an innovative project LEILAC2 which is focused on separating and capturing CO2 from the cement production process.
IKN introduces new design of the cooler inlet – KIDS4.0.
2019 Supplier of the Year
IKN receives an award as Supplier of the Year from Sinoma Tianjin Group and signs an agreement for a strategic cooperation.
2018 Largest turnkey pyro project
Largest ever turnkey project by IKN: Upgrading of 4.000 tpd Burglengenfeld plant in Germany including pyro line, raw mills and kiln line dedusting system.
2016 Fourth world largest cooler
Fourth IKN Pendulum Cooler® with more than 13.500 t/d put into operation at Holcim plant in Ste. Genevieve, USA.
2015 New IKN office building
IKN employees move to the new large and modern IKN office building.
2014 Fire Bed Combustor (FBC)
IKN develops Fire Bed Combustor (FBC) – a reactor for burning alternative fuels.
2013 Dynamic Linear Drive (DLD)
IKN re-introduces the electrical drive into cooler technology. New design of DLD drive is easy to install, operate and maintain, and help to eliminate the complexity of hydraulic units.
First recirculating IKN cooler starts production in India.
2012 30 years anniversary
IKN celebrates 30 years of history in clinker cooling.
2011 New grate plate design
IKN develops the new Coanda Wing® – new patented grate plate technology.
2010 3D design
IKN implements 3D engineering design and forms the IKN Pyro department to manage kiln line projects development.
2003 First LPS
Karl von Wedel transfers the management to Justus von Wedel and Klaas Windmöller.
IKN develops the Linear Pendulum Suspension (LPS®) for more precision and simplified installation inside the cooler housing.
2002 Acquisition of PSP Engineering
Acquisition of PSP Engineering a. s. in Prerov, Czech Republic. IKN combines its clinker cooler specialisation with the pyro activities of the traditional kiln supplier.
2001 New technical center
IKN opens a new technical center for training and testing as well as for assembly and quality control of critical components.
1989 First cooler
IKN revolutionizes the industry by installing the first IKN Pendulum Cooler® with pendulum suspension at Adelaide Brighton Cement, Australia.
1983 First KIDS®
IKN develops the Clinker Inlet Distribution System (KIDS®). Dyckerhoff AG, a well-known German cement producer, is convinced of its advantages and adopts the concept.
Meet the managing directors and the management team of IKN